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You are here: Against Premature ejaculation

Compared to delay ejaculation Premature ejaculation & around - thanks to longer sex aids.

Against premature ejaculation, there are exercises, but also drugs. Longer have sex and delay the ejaculation is possible with medical aids.

Against Premature ejaculation does not seem to have grown herb. So you thought, at least in the past. Today, there are certainly ways and means to delay the ejaculation, thus allowing a more relaxed sexual life. Sophisticated training programs and conduct regular exercises to keep only a few men for long.

Rather, they resort to drugs. Longer to have sex is nearly always the cause, since many women complain about the lack of persistence of their husbands. There are incapacitating sprays, which will delay the ejaculation, but also special condoms to prevent premature ejaculation. The pills are quite diverse and so are MAO - inhibitors, serotonin - reuptake inhibitors or ordinary antidepressants on the market. Longer to have sex is also an advantage but only if the drugs have taken only minimal side effects or were developed specifically for just this problem. Thus, the drug dapoxetine has proven that supports sensible men with premature ejaculation in their problem.

The duration of sexual intercourse is extended under the intake, so that the sex life for both partners to a whole new experience. However, those who shy away from the doctor can order medications with the drug dapoxetine also online in an Internet pharmacy. This drop off frequent doctor visits and the confidentiality in this special issue is ensured.

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