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Erectile dysfunction - causes of erectile dysfunction and impotence

What are the causes of impotence? Erectile dysfunction - what to do? Erectile dysfunction can be treated.

Erectile dysfunction is a diagnosis, which probably makes every man hard. The current term for this is impotence. This disease prevents it to the people affected to get an erect penis and maintain it for the duration of the sexual act. Impotence but is only when these problems persist for a long time and not only occur at short notice.

The so-called impotence is considered a serious illness, not least because it can also cause massive mental problems. The reasons are manifold. Thereby encouraging smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, and an existing diabetes, the development of ED. But high blood pressure, Schwellkörperverletzungen and operations may be possible causes. Calcification of blood vessels or defects in the erectile tissue can also be a cause of erectile problems. Further clinical causes of impotence are operations on the prostate or rectum, metabolic diseases and radiotherapy for cancer.

Accidents caused erection problems generally result from a spinal cord injury. However, certain drugs may be responsible for erectile dysfunction. Here may be mentioned particularly drugs that include neuro-blockers. Enormous psychological stress can also be a lack of power cause. In general, older men suffer more from 50 under these power problems. Erectile dysfunction what to do? - Think of the victims and solve a recipe to make specific exercises or surfing the web. But usually can treat impotence quite well.

Since one of the most important causes is the psychological stress of those affected, it is here only once, reducing the stress factors. Also a sex therapy is effective in some circumstances. Potency-enhancing potency agents are also a good way to combat erectile dysfunction. Who in the internet for "erectile dysfunction do" searches receive an incredible number of hits. Most power resources should not be taken without medical examination. In some cases even are successful, in which vascular injuries are resolved. The penis pump is often used, the costs, health insurance, if a doctor has recommended this therapy. Basically, no one has to live with such a diagnosis - on the contrary. Today there are enough ways to get power problems well under control.

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